miCkzilla & keonadot travel - 2008

Vancouver to Halifax (via Canada): miCkzilla & keonadot
Halifax to Vancouver (Via USA): Ma, mickzilla & keonadot

look at us go!!

Wednesday, July 30

Downtown Toronto

The Good Seats!, originally uploaded by mickzilla.

It's only a 30 minute drive from Canada's Wonderland to Downtown Toronto - so that was by far one of our shortest drives.

The night before, I have bought us the cheap cheap seats at the Blue Jays game - Keona wanted the fancy seats (i think mostly because the seats where colored pink in the seating guide) but I figured her first major league baseball game experience should be in the nose bleeds.

We got to Toronto about 3 hours before game time - so we went to the top of the CN Tower to kill time in the worlds highest observation deck. Top of the world baby!

We headed to the game after and got there about 1hr early - which tuned out to be a really good thing, it was "School Day" at the former SkyDome (now, the Rogers Center) - and Keona received a free Blue Jays back to school kit - With kit in hand we headed up the never ending path to our seats - unfortunately without a Sherpa to carry our stuff for the trek .

As we waited patiently in our seats, with tissues in our noses to slop the blood - a girl came over and asked if we'd like to win an upgrade... Confused, we said sure, and before we knew it - near the end of the first inning, we were presented with $100 tickets in exchange for our $9 tickets - our faces where up on the jumbo-tron (Canada's biggest TV screen) - and we waved to the crowd.

We headed down in special elevator, and found our seats, 9 rows behind home plate. (Funny how we get a fancy elevator down to the nice seats - but made us climb the mountain by foot for our previous seats). Keona ended up in the "pink" seats after all! Obviously karma for waiting in the Behemoth lineup for 1hr the day before!

The Jay's lost to Tampa 3-2, but i picked up the sweetest limited edition retro Blue Jays cap - stitched in yellow, instead of white - in honor of Caribana - the major annual Toronto Caribbean Carnival happening this weekend.

After the game, we made to my Uncle Perry's place 4hrs away in Ottawa - where we're being spoiled with hospitality. It feels good to not sleep in the car!

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  • At July 31, 2008 at 3:32 PM , Blogger mrrob said...

    I remember a blue jays vs indians game we attended in'86.We were sitting with the bleacher bums in the old exhibition park. You wanted to sit higher up so we went to the top. The next batter George Bell hit a homer which bounced into our recently abandoned seats. You were afraid to wear your Cleveland hat to the washroom. Joe Carter played that game in an Indians' uniform.

  • At July 31, 2008 at 4:01 PM , Blogger katrinkacarolina said...

    WOW...good for you, sounds like you had a great time at the ballgame, I think I've seen one Blue Jays game in my life at that same place!! Party on.........

  • At July 31, 2008 at 7:45 PM , Blogger al b said...

    What a great day for Keona - Top of the World, Back to school kit, and "pink" seats.

    The journey to the promised land - great story!

  • At July 31, 2008 at 9:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Mick - this is such a cool trip you are going on. It looks like you and Keona are having a great time. You are a great Dad, it is awesome to see how much Keona means to you and that you would take the time to drive across Canada with her and spend some real good quality time with her.

  • At July 31, 2008 at 11:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Hey Princess!!! Can you say " The Best Dad in the World is Mick Robinson!!!" ;) xoxox I can't wait to see ALL the pictures and hear ALL the tales of your Adventures with Dadda.

    Mick, The o'ld saying: 'young ladies fall for men are just like their fathers' When Keona meets her Prince she'll live happily ever after. Thanks to you!

  • At August 1, 2008 at 4:56 PM , Blogger Dave Toxik said...

    Glad you enjoyed the Rogers Center. Perhaps we can interest you in cell phone service too?


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